AUD Celebrates Women

Dozens gathered for an event hosted by the Women’s Awareness Leadership Knowledge (WALK) club in the American University in Dubai’s E-lawn to celebrate International Women’s Day last Wednesday.

“The purpose of the WALK club is to create an environment for us, as girls and women, to come together once in a while through events and realize the similarities that we have between each other. We also aim to provide encouragement to women around campus and educate students about all of the biases that are known about females here in the Middle East,” Zeena Qadumi, Vice President of the WALK club, said.

Students began their event by looking at posters about inspiring women in history. And the stories of these influential figures inspired students to learn more about women’s empowerment and achiements.

Some of the famous women featured in the posters were Mother Teresa who founded the Missionaries of Charity in 1950. She was known for her commendable efforts in charitable work that changed many lives. Another influential figure also from the 20th century was Princess Diana who had an international impact through her charity work to many children and raising awareness about people with Aids, cancer or mental illness. They also showed Queen Victoria who’s name was given to an entire era, The Victorian Age (1837-1901). She also had a great impact on the whole world with political, social and economic changes.

“As a woman, I feel we need to be recognized more for our hard work, gender doesn’t classify our capabilities to achieving the same intended goal or result.” said Aya Mahmoud, a Visual Communication student at AUD.

“Women are equal to men and as powerful. The heavily dominant male society we live in makes women’s voices unheard but once they unite, they will make their mark” said Esraa Mahmoud, a Business student at AUD.

The WALK club is managed by Amna Al Shaali, a business student in AUD who aims to empower women, and give them a space to voice their opinions and concerns around campus. It also focuses on giving women more self-confidence and embrace their similarities instead of judging one another. And on the other hand, it educates men on false stereotypes about women.

Sara Hendawi

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