AUD’S Knights Dunk Their Way to Victory

American University in Dubai men’s basketball team dunk their way to success at the University Championship game against The Canadian University of Dubai last Wednesday in AUD.

The Knights started off strong, in the first quarter the AUD knights had numerous layups, three-pointers and free throws. The game started off with AUD having a two point lead after a layup was scored putting the score at 14-12. CUD dribbled their chances to put them at a tie with AUD (14-14). AUD’s Omar Weiss scored a three pointer, in the last 30 seconds of the first quarter, putting AUD in the lead with a score of 20-16.

CUD’s number 23 Ahmed Ahmed Rufai scored through a layup, as did AUD’s Walid Farah in the first few minutes of the second quarter. Later on, Walid Farah managed to score another point through a rebound. CUD’s number 10 Favour Ezugwu scored two three pointers, and two layups all in the second quarter. AUD’s Mohammed Binkhatm, came out of the blue as all you can see is a blue jersey with the number 16 on the back flashed through the court, and scored twice in a row, ending the second quarter with a score of 45 -24.

AUD and CUD rushing for the rebound – @ Mayar Ibrahim, Wednesday 20 Feb 2019

After the first half of the game was over, the teams switch sides on the court. Then the third quarter began, and the AUD knights went back to it as they scored four points in a row in the first minute of the third quarter. CUD’s number 13 Mohamed Reza Nabavi tried to even the score when he scored a three pointer putting the score at 50-27. AUD’s Aaron FernAUD’s number 14 redeemed himself after he missed three shots in a row, he scored. With only five seconds left in the third quarter, AUD’s Aaron Ferns scores yet again, but this time he manages to score a three-pointer swish. The third quarter is ended with a score of 72-32. 

The last quarter of the game starts off well for CUD, since Mohamed Reza Nabavi number 13 ran across the court, and scored a layup. AUD’S Eyad Shaar used his speed to his advantage,  as he managed to score a three-pointer. With only 25 seconds left in the game, CUD’s number 25 Nicolas Mendoza managed to get one last shot, ending the game with a score of 88-52, victory to AUD’s vey own knights. 

CUD scoring a free throw at AUD, February 20, 2019 Photo: Mayar Ibrahim

“The game was good we got competitive in the beginning but afterwards we just got a gap and we extended from there,” Mansour Mbengue the captain of AUD’s men’s basketball team said.

“The game went very well actually, AUD outplayed us,” Abubakar M. Garba the captain of CUD’s basketball team said. “They had the home court advantage so I think we tried our best but unfortunately we weren’t able to keep up.”

The AUD and CUD players, February 20, 2019 Photo: Sufanah Hammad

AUD Team Players:

Mansour Mbengue – Captain #6

Omar Weiss – #4

Elie Haykal – #9

Walid Farah – #10

Ammar Faros – #11

Batanai Barbee – #13

Aaron Ferns – #14

Ahhmad Breiki – #15

Mohammd Binkhatm – #16

Abdulla Abdulla – #17

Yousif Halabi – #20

Samir Malas – #22

Eyad Shaar – #22

CUD Team Players:

Abubakar M. Garba – Captain #16

Farouk Dalhatu – #9

Favour Ezugwu – #10

Mohamed Reza Nabavi – #13

Amir Nabavi – #14

Mauro Batista – #19

Josh Limcaoco – #20

Ahmed Ahmed Rufai – #23

Nicolas Mendoza – #25

Nelson Egharevba – #26

Sufanah Hammad

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